It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a musical bone in your body! You don’t need to sing and don’t need to play, but we can all play a part in creating the track. We’re doing the preparatory work now to decide the song etc – but the key is that the recording and production will all happen inside 24 hours.
That’s right: we’re going to rework one of Bruce’s songs on May 1, in real time, on the live video feed! Rather than release the project at the very end of the day, we’ll work from the afternoon of April 30, so that we can (hopefully!) get a May 1 release that afternoon.
The exciting news is that we have volunteers lined up for both the instrumentals and the vocals! Our man in Jakarta, Indonesia feels comfortable in saying that he can transcribe whichever song we pick, and record it to a deadline. And thanks to Mark B, he’s found a vocalist here in the UK!
We obviously need to have the instrumental work done before we can hand over to a singer, so the time difference with Jakarta will work in our favour. (They are eleven hours ahead of Eastern time, so he can work while you’re in bed!). At some point in the day, as early as possible but only when he’s happy with it, he’ll present us with a MIDI file.
Then with his full permission, we’ll work with the GarageBand software on that file, live on the video feed and in real time. That’s where you guys come in again – I’ll be relying on you to shape how that sounds! With a MIDI file, we can change the instruments and the entire sound, but the structure of the song will need to remain the same so that our vocalist can get to work. So while we’re doing that, we’ll send her the audio and she’ll work her magic. She’ll have the remainder of the 24 hours to do her bit. Hopefully we’re not cutting it too fine!
But for now, we’re still picking the song, and we have until April 30. “Echolocation” is an early favourite because we could really have fun with the sound effects. Another more mischievous pick is “Sidelines” from the upcoming “‘Flicted” record, which would mark the first time that we released one of Bruce’s songs before he did! We’ve narrowed it down to four songs, and you can vote on
You can pick up the conversation on our Facebook group or see to pick the song. For a dry run on how we’ll work the song on the day, take a look at this video, 30 minutes in.
See you on May 1!